Sunday, August 15, 2010

I am Terrible at Blogging

Wow, it really has been eight months since I posted.

Many things have changed. I have two roommates, soon to be three - all grad students at Wake. I also have a job now (since April); though it doesn't pay much, it's one I like a lot. I haven't quite finished with the house yet. I'm giving myself until Christmas to be totally done - a year isn't a bad window for one person to do a relatively large remodel. I'll post more pictures as soon as I find my camera...

Yesterday, in Roanoke, I went to the most amazing salvage store EVER. I'm pretty sure I want everything in my house to come from this place. Like a headboard made of an old piano harp. There's a big black lab who hangs out by the registers (it's called Black Dog Salvage - how awesome is that?), you get a discount for donating dog food, and a percentage of all profits goes to the local SPCA. Check it out.

Also went to the Taubman Museum of Art. I wasn't really excited about the premiere exhibit this go-round, which is entitled "Posing Beauty in African American Culture." When I got there, however, I was heavily impressed. You know it's a great installation when you find yourself thinking, "Wow, I never realized how much more extreme everything is than it was 50 years ago," or "Maybe Michael Jackson was miserable because he spent his whole life in the closet" or "I wonder what factors contributed to the rise and fall of the Afro as a fashionable hairstyle?"

And because I was feeling pretty crazy, I went to the Mill Mountain Zoo. Not that impressive... but gosh, are red pandas cute. I want one... or maybe I just want a Coatimundi!

Probably not. One more thing: LCD Soundsystem just released a new album and I was lucky enough to get it yesterday. Here's a sample of one of my favorite songs on the disc.

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